Ultimate Guide to Kicking a Soccer Ball

Soccer is a popular sport worldwide, and many techniques go into becoming a good player. One of the essential skills you need to know is how to kick a soccer ball. 

This blog post will explain how to kick a soccer ball farther, in the air, with laces, without spin, and with power and accuracy. We will also provide tips on kicking a soccer ball without hitting the ground. Finally, we will give you a list of steps on how to do an instep kick. So whether you’re just starting or looking to improve your skills, keep reading for all the information you need!

How to Kick a Soccer Ball Farther

Kicking a soccer ball far is not as easy as it looks. It requires pinpoint accuracy, explosive power, and a lot of practice. However, with a little bit of know-how, anyone can send the ball sailing down the field.

Here are the steps behind kicking a soccer ball further than ever before:

Step 1: Start by identifying your plant foot. 

This is the foot that you will be your plant foot. If you are right-footed, your plant foot is your left foot. If you are left-footed, your plant foot is your right foot.

Step 2: Place the ball in front of your plant foot. 

Position it so that it is touching the inside of your ankle bone. If you are right-footed, your right foot should be behind the ball. If you are left-footed, your left foot should be behind the ball. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart.

Step 3: Keep your body weight over your planted foot. 

Having your body weight over your planted foot will give you more power when you kick the ball. Do not lean back when you kick the ball. Leaning back will cause it to go up in the air instead of down the field. Instead, lean slightly forward from your hips as you contact the ball.

Step 4: As you start to swing your kicking leg forward, transfer your body weight from your planted foot to your kicking leg. 

Transferring your weight from the planted to the kicking foot will help generate more power and force behind the ball. Kick the ball with the laces of your shoe. Using your laces to kick will help you get more power and accuracy behind the ball.

Step 5: Follow through with your kick. 

Following through with your kick means that your kicking leg should continue moving forward even after you contact the ball. And remember to practice, practice, practice!

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How to Kick a Soccer Ball Into The Air

Scoring a top corner shot in soccer involves more than just kicking and hoping. If you want to do it right, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

First, make sure you’re in the proper position. 

You want to be under the ball when it comes down, so positioning yourself a few yards away from where the ball will land is critical. 

Second, time your jump. 

You want to wait until the last second to jump to get as much height as possible. Third, use your extended leg to give the ball a good hard kick. Ideally, you’ll contact the ball right at the sweet spot, sending it soaring back up into the air. 

And finally, have faith in yourself and your abilities.

If you don’t believe you can do it, you probably won’t.

With a little bit of practice, anyone can learn how to kick a soccer ball into the air. Remember to keep your body positioned correctly, jump at the right time, and give the ball a good hard kick.

How to Kick a Soccer Ball With Your Laces

If you want to score, you need to know how to kick a soccer ball with your laces. This type of kick is the most powerful and accurate way to get the ball into the back of the net. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Position the ball in front of your dominant foot. 

The ball should be touching the inside of your ankle bone. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart.

Step 2: Keep your body weight over your planted foot. 

Having your body weight over your plant foot will help you generate more power when you contact the ball. Again, do not lean back when you kick the ball. Leaning back will cause it to go up in the air instead of down the field. Instead, lean slightly forward from your hips.

Step 3: As you start to swing your kicking leg forward, transfer your body weight from your planted foot to your kicking leg. 

Step 4: Kick the ball with the laces of your shoe.

Step 5: Finally, follow through with your kick. 

Following through means that your kicking leg should continue moving forward even after you contact the ball. Practice makes perfect, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t score on your first few attempts.

How to Kick a Soccer Ball Without Spin

Kicking a soccer ball without spin is a skill that every player should master. Here are some tips to help you achieve this:

Use the inside of your foot.

Using the inside of your foot will give you more control over the ball and allow you to keep it from spinning.

Keep your ankle locked. 

Keeping your ankle locked will help you keep the ball from wobbling and ensure a more powerful kick.

Follow through with your kick.

Following through will help you keep the ball from going off course and give you more power behind it. With these tips in mind, you should be able to kick a soccer ball without spin like a pro!

How to Kick Soccer Ball Without Hitting the Ground

Have you ever tried to kick a soccer ball, and you just ended up hitting the ground? It’s a frustrating feeling, but don’t worry; you’re not alone. Many players have trouble with this, but there are some things you can do to avoid it.

Try to make contact with the ball at the top of your foot. 

Hitting the ball with the top of your foot will help you keep the ball from dipping down and hitting the ground.

Keep your foot relaxed. 

A tense foot will make it more challenging to contact the ball at the top.

Follow through with your kick. 

Following through will help you keep the ball from going off course and give you more power behind it.

How to Do an Instep Kick

An instep kick is a powerful way to kick a soccer ball, but it can be difficult if you’re not used to it. Here are some tips to help you master this technique:

Use the inside of your foot. 

Using the inside of your foot will give you more control over the ball and allow you to keep it from spinning.

Keep your ankle locked. 

Locking your ankle will help you keep the ball from wobbling and ensure a more powerful kick.

Follow through with your kick. 

Following through will help you keep the ball from going off course.


There you have it! These are just a few of the many different ways you can kick a soccer ball. With a bit of practice, you’ll be on your way to scoring goals! It’s not always easy to get the hang of a new skill, but with these tips and tricks, you should be able to kick like a pro in no time. Keep practicing, and soon enough, your soccer game will blow away all of those opponents!

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