The Definitive Guide to Futsal Goalkeeping

Futsal is a fast-paced, exciting sport that is growing in popularity all over the world. As a goalkeeper or goalie, it is important to know everything about the game and how to play your part. In this definitive guide to futsal goalkeeping, we will discuss everything you need to know in order to be successful between the posts!

What is the Role of a Goalkeeper in Futsal?

Goalkeeper in Futsal
Goalkeeper in Futsal

The role of the goalkeeper in futsal is to protect the goal and prevent the opposing team from scoring. As the last line of defense, it is important that you are always alert and ready to make a save. In addition to your shot-stopping abilities, you also need to be good at communicating with your teammates and organizing the defense.

Can a Goalkeeper Use Their Hands in Futsal

Yes, the goalkeeper can use their hands in futsal. In fact, they are the only player on the team that is allowed to use their hands inside of their own penalty area.

When Can the Goalkeeper Touch the Ball in Futsal With Their Hands

The goalkeeper can touch the ball with their hands when they are inside of their own penalty area.

However, there are some situations where the goalkeeper cannot use their hands. For example, if the goalkeeper touches the ball with their hands after it has been deliberately kicked to them by a teammate, they will be penalized.

How Long Can the Goalkeeper Hold the Ball in Futsal

Goalkeeper Holding Ball
Goalkeeper Holding Ball

Four (4) seconds.

The goalkeeper can hold the ball for up to four seconds in futsal. This is known as the ‘four-second rule’ and it is designed to keep the game moving. After four seconds, the goalkeeper must either release the ball or play it with their feet.

Do Futsal Goalkeepers Wear Gloves

Typically no but goalkeepers are allowed to wear gloves if they wish. The main reason why futsal goalkeepers choose not to wear gloves is:

  1. Not wearing gloves gives the goalkeeper better grip/control over the ball
  2. Futsal goalkeepers catch the ball a lot less than traditional soccer goalies.

However, in youth leagues the goalkeepers typically wear gloves.

Do Futsal Goalkeepers Wear Shin Guards

Shin Guards For Futsal
Shin Guards For Futsal

Yes, futsal goalkeepers are required to wear shin guards. This is for their own protection as they will be diving around a lot and there is a risk of injury if they do not wear shin guards.

What Do Futsal Goalkeepers Wear

Futsal goalkeepers typically wear:

This is to protect them from the hard surface of the futsal court as well as any errant kicks from opposing players.

Do Futsal Goalkeeper Dive

Futsal Goalkeeper Dive
Futsal Goalkeeper Dive

Yes, futsal goalkeepers are allowed to and do dive to save the ball. Diving is a great way to make a save when the attacker is close to the goal and there is not much time to react. It is also a good way to stop the ball if it is being played with a lot of power.

As futsal is typically played on surfaces much harder than soccer, goalkeepers should wear padded gear in order to protect themselves from injury.

Can a Defender Pass the Ball Back to the Goalkeeper in Futsal

No. Per US Youth Futsal, the goalkeeper cannot touch the ball again in their own half of the court unless an opponent has touched it. This means that the goalkeeper’s other team members cannot pass the ball back to the goalkeeper in their own half of the court.

Goalkeeping in Futsal vs Outdoor Soccer

Outdoor Soccer
Outdoor Soccer

When it comes to futsal, there are a few key differences that you need to be aware of as a goalkeeper. Firstly, the pitch is much smaller than a standard football pitch, meaning that the game is played at a much faster pace. There are also only five players on each team, including the goalkeeper, so you need to be able to think and react quickly.

Another key difference is that the ball is much harder, so it can be difficult to control if you are not used to it. This means that futsal goalkeepers need to have quick reflexes and be able to anticipate where the ball is going.

Finally, one of the most important things to remember as a futsal goalkeeper is that there are no walls! This means that you need to be very careful when clearing the ball, as it can easily go out of play.

Can a Goalkeeper Score in Futsal?

Yes, a goalkeeper can score in futsal! According to US Youth Futsal, the goalkeeper “may score directly with his/her feet during the run of play.” However, per futsal rules, the goalkeeper still cannot possess the ball for more than four (4) seconds in their own half of the court.

Additionally, goalkeepers cannot score a goal by using their hands. This includes throwing or attempting to hit the ball directly into the opposing goal directly.

What are the Rules for a Goalkeeper in Futsal

Enclosed below are the rules that apply specifically to the goalkeeper in Futsal:

  • The goalkeeper cannot touch the ball again in their own half of the court unless an opponent has touched it.
  • The goalkeeper can hold the ball for up to four seconds in futsal. This is known as the ‘four-second rule’ and it is designed to keep the game moving. After four seconds, the goalkeeper must either release the ball or play it with their feet.
  • The goalkeeper cannot score a goal by using their hands. This includes throwing or attempting to hit the ball directly into the opposing goal directly.
  • Goalkeepers are allowed to receive a kick-in directly
  • Goalkeepers are required to wear a different color shirt from the rest of their teammates in order to differentiate themselves from their teammates

Who is the Best Futsal Goalkeeper in the World

There is no definitive answer to this question as it is subjective. However, some of the most well-known and respected futsal goalkeepers in the world include:

  • Ho Van Y
  • Thai Son Nam
  • Leo Higuita
  • Stefano Mammarella

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